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Biographie de christopher wicking

Christopher Wicking was a prominent British screenwriter and playwright, known for his work in the horror and mystery genres. Born on October 3, 1943 in London, England, Wicking began his career in the entertainment industry as a journalist before transitioning to writing screenplays. He gained recognition for his collaborations with director Michael Winner, including films such as The Nightcomers (1971) and The Wicked Lady (1983). Wicking also wrote the screenplay for the cult classic Dracula (1979) and the mystery thriller Scream for Help (1984). In addition to his film work, Wicking wrote several highly acclaimed plays, including Absolution and Packsaddle. He was known for his dark and atmospheric storytelling, as well as his skillful character development. Wicking's talent and creativity made him a respected figure in the film and theater world, and his work continues to be celebrated by fans and critics alike. He passed away on June 21, 2008, leaving behind a legacy of captivating storytelling and unforgettable characters.

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