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Biographie, généalogie et origine de la célébrité william marrion branham : découvrez son origine !

Quel est la date de naissance de william marrion branham?

William Marrion Branham est né le 6 avril 1909.

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Quelle est l'origine de la célébrité william marrion branham

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Biographie de william marrion branham

William Marrion Branham was born on April 6, 1909 in Burkesville, Kentucky. He was raised in a poor family and had a difficult childhood, losing his father at a young age. Despite his humble beginnings, Branham showed an early interest in religion and began preaching at the age of 22. In 1933, he claimed to have had a supernatural experience in which he was visited by an angel who gave him the gift of healing and prophecy. This marked the beginning of Branham's highly controversial and influential career as a faith healer and preacher. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, Branham traveled extensively across the United States and around the world, holding massive tent revivals where he claimed to heal the sick and perform miracles. He gained a large following and became a polarizing figure in the world of Pentecostalism. Despite his success, Branham's teachings and practices were often criticized by mainstream Christian denominations and he faced accusations of fraud and manipulation. In 1965, Branham died in a car accident at the age of 56, leaving behind a complex legacy that continues to divide opinions among believers and skeptics. Today, he is remembered as a controversial but influential figure in the history of American evangelicalism.

Recherche généalogique concernant la célébrité william marrion branham

William Marrion Branham était un pasteur évangélique américain, né le 6 avril 1909 à Burkesville, Kentucky. Il était le fils de Charles Branham et Ella Harvey. Il a grandi dans une famille modeste et a rapidement montré un intérêt pour la religion. En 1934, il épouse Hope Brumback, avec qui il aura quatre enfants : Sharon Rose, Sarah Hope, Joseph Branham et Rebekah Grace. Branham a été ordonné pasteur en 1933 et a commencé son propre ministère itinérant peu de temps après. Il est devenu une figure majeure du mouvement pentecôtiste et a fondé l'Église du Tabernacle baptiste en 1957. Sa prédication centrée sur la guérison divine et les dons spirituels l'a amené à une grande renommée et à attirer des foules importantes lors de ses campagnes de guérison à travers les États-Unis et le monde entier. Il est décédé le 24 décembre 1965, laissant un héritage spirituel et un impact significatif sur le pentecôtisme moderne.

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